One Year Warranty
I'm kind of sad about the whole Great Glasses thing. I re-read my original post today (and the 44 comments) and still believe my initial concerns were valid. I understand that GG wants to be an innovator in the optical services industry but perhaps they could go about it another way.

I bought these specs at Great Glasses almost a year ago. This past week I noticed that one of the arms was getting loose, so I stopped into Precision Optical to get them checked out. The optician told me that the arm was about to break off and suggested new frames.
Darn. It's been less than a year! My glasses usually last two or three years at minimum! Then I remembered... these frames came with a one year warranty! If I can find the receipt I can go back to Great Glasses and get them replaced! Perhaps my GG experience would turn itself around!
Wow. THAT was a mistake! Who knew that all the employees at Great Glasses read my blog! AND that if you Google the words "great glasses" my blog comes up as the second most popular response just below the Great Glasses website! (No, really! Who knew?! I didn't!)
Let's just say my experience at Great Glasses today was rather, um... icy. I simply asked about the one year warranty and was told that I may not be eligible for it because of... well, my BLOG!
[ THAT was weird. ]
By the time I got home I started to wonder if I should be concerned for my safety! After all, Great Glasses has all my contact information in their computer, including my home address!
Whatever happened to "the customer is always right?" Isn't that one of the laws of customer service?!
Well, by the time you read this I imagine that every employee at Great Glasses will have read it too. I'm really a nice guy and want to work this out. Unfortunately, I don't respond well to defensive customer service.

I bought these specs at Great Glasses almost a year ago. This past week I noticed that one of the arms was getting loose, so I stopped into Precision Optical to get them checked out. The optician told me that the arm was about to break off and suggested new frames.
Darn. It's been less than a year! My glasses usually last two or three years at minimum! Then I remembered... these frames came with a one year warranty! If I can find the receipt I can go back to Great Glasses and get them replaced! Perhaps my GG experience would turn itself around!
Wow. THAT was a mistake! Who knew that all the employees at Great Glasses read my blog! AND that if you Google the words "great glasses" my blog comes up as the second most popular response just below the Great Glasses website! (No, really! Who knew?! I didn't!)
Let's just say my experience at Great Glasses today was rather, um... icy. I simply asked about the one year warranty and was told that I may not be eligible for it because of... well, my BLOG!
[ THAT was weird. ]
By the time I got home I started to wonder if I should be concerned for my safety! After all, Great Glasses has all my contact information in their computer, including my home address!
Whatever happened to "the customer is always right?" Isn't that one of the laws of customer service?!
Well, by the time you read this I imagine that every employee at Great Glasses will have read it too. I'm really a nice guy and want to work this out. Unfortunately, I don't respond well to defensive customer service.
Hey Great Glasses, maybe you can fix my glasses for me, after all, they ARE covered by the GG warranty and I DID pay over $400 for them.[Sigh.]
Call me? I think you have my number.
Great Glasses DID call me today, but I wasn't home. I plan to return their call sometime this week.
11:01 PM
lol...hey the prodigal blogger is back. where have you been
11:44 PM
very strange behaviour .. you would think they would be worried about what you were going to say about them next and protect their rep ... apparently they don't care about their rep ... dumb
9:41 AM
hahaha...I had a really good laugh @ your blog today after I had one glistening tear for your glasses (I am still glum about my own glasses tragedy!) Who knew a blog could stir up such controversy!
1:30 PM
I can't believe that, they're tracking your blog...
I hope that Bell Canada reads mine!
6:52 PM
k THAT was hilarious...ive never seen truth unravel a con-artists' composure so easily! Way to go Paul...(since ur famous now, could i get ur autograph sometime?),haha
12:05 AM
That is just wonderful.
5:04 PM
wow that is truly very odd. Who knew businesses get on the world wide web looking for stuff like this - creepy
anyway does it say anywhere in your warrenty that it will be made nul and void if you blog about them - you PAID for it you get it - I don't ever recall any BLOG clauses or anything on ANYTHING
5:48 PM
If they think you spoke badly about them to this point, how do they figure this will help them?
I'm sure you have grounds for getting a lot more from them now than just a repair on your frames.
9:57 AM
Hey Paul Id be very happy to get you a replacement part if GG wont look after you. Post the model number and colour of the frame. Ill let you know how much it will be. I'm guessing about $25 max. (the scary part, remember how much you paid, I'm still making a fair profit at this price)
Then Ill have to find a way of getting it to you without giving my address to our good friend. I don't need any harassment. (Bruce likes nuisance law suits.) I like my quiet enjoyment.
Unfortunately that is the story I hear over and over. Great Glasses does not seem to warranty any of its product. I have repaired more of their glasses than you would ever believe. Either their staff does not know how to do it, or they cant get parts, or they tell them to take a long walk off a short pier.
10:48 AM
This glasses story is awesome... just so everyone knows...
I'm quite shocked and thrilled at the same time what even a blog can do...
Go Paul... and Eye Guy... and even Great glasses... why not...
Great story
12:42 PM
It only goes to prove that if you give someone a long enough rope, they will eventually hang themselves.
3:56 PM
I phoned Great Glasses today. When the girl who answered asked who was calling, and I said Paul, she said there was a note left on her desk for when I called. The note was from the owner of the store simply giving times he was available to meet with me. It seems unusual that I have to meet with the owner to get my warranty. Perhaps that is standard procedure?
Either way, I am planning to meet the owner of the store tomorrow. I am mostly leaving this comment to update everyone who is following my story. My blog has received over 400 views in the past 5 days, which is above my blog's average daily views. WAY above. Obviously people want to know the outcome of this situation.
Here's hoping it is a positive one because I really need my glasses fixed.
@eye guy: thanks for the offer, but I don't think I need a "part" for my glasses. The actual metal that holds the arms of the glasses to the eye frame section has gotten soft or something. When I am in the sun or a humid place the metal actually expands and the arm moves away from my head.
9:48 AM
You should not go alone to meet this "business" man ... you should take a witness ... like a lawyer or a cop. Or at the very least a tape recorder.
11:52 AM
I was thinking on the fact that your blog comes up second on the Google search. It seems to me a case of your sins will find you out. Also right after yours, are about lawsuits and them breaking the law. Funny.
11:44 PM
So I went to Great Glasses today. I had arranged to meet the owner of the store to chat about my broken glasses and the warranty.
(Due to the creepiness of my last visit I actually had my pastor come along with me today. He is two things: a great communicator AND a very LARGE man! lol)
Let me simply say that I was treated exceptionally today. I don't know who the young man was that was helping me (along with the owner) but he went above and beyond the call of "customer service" today.
When I first arrived the owner introduced himself and shook my hand. I showed him my glasses and he confirmed that they were, indeed, broken. He checked their stock and the frames I had were on backorder. SO... he offered me the option of picking out ANY brand new frame, complete with new lenses.
Not THAT'S what I call service!
To top things off, the owner let me KEEP my broken glasses (which may or may not come in handy down the road) AND... are you ready for this... they called me 3 short hours after I visited the store to say that my NEW glasses were READY!!
Unfortunately I couldn't go back to get them because I had another commitment, but I plan on picking them up tomorrow.
Needless to say, this has been a strange ride, and thanks to all of my blog readers for following along. I don't really know if Great Glasses is ACTUALLY doing anything illegal and I am open to the idea that there may be another way to "do" optical services.
That said, I still think that people need to get their eyes checked by a doctor, because an eye doctor will check the health of the eye - a Great Glasses technician won't.
In Great Glasses defense, they DID tell me to go to an eye doctor if I wanted the health of my eyes checked. It is my opinion that EVERYONE that needs glasses should get the health of their eyes checked.
A year ago, when I first got my prescription filled at Great Glasses I didn't get the kind of customer service I got today. In fact, someone just handed me my 3 pairs of glasses and I went on my way. I had to go to another optical store to get them adjusted, etc.
But today was different. The young man assisting me adjusted the new frames, sugggested gel nose buds, etc. It seemed like he knew what he was doing. He seemed knowledgeable.
That may have had something to do with my blog, but I hope he wasn't there today just because I was coming in. As much as I would appreciate that, it is my hope that everyone working at Great Glasses has learned how to actually serve (and service) their customers the way I was served today.
Thanks Great Glasses.
12:10 AM
:-) PR important stuff to any business ... service is the key... Happy customer ... good rep ...
A good rep is better to be had than silver or gold ...
Proverbs 22
1:30 PM
I don't think you should be second guessing your opinion of great glasses. I think maybe time is helping you get over your bad experience. I will never never forget my experience with them. Great Glasses employees opinions don't count they're just looking out for their jobs. Great glasses do call you back rather quickly may be a little too quickly. I think they should also pay for the gas you use going back to them for whoops wrong prescription or i don't know how that got chipped or what? they are falling off one ear and so on and so on. I can understand that mistakes happen sometimes. For me a total of six mistakes on my sunglasses, glasses and contacts. Six mistakes just don't happen. Something just ain't right. Once they have your money they don't care.
12:21 AM
@jen: I hear you loud and clear. As I mentioned in this post and in my comments, I still have concerns with Great Glasses. But the customer service from my visit last week to my visit a few days ago was like night and day - and that was a good thing.
Will I purchase glasses from GG in the future? Probably not. Most likely I will go to a doctor that sells glasses and hires registered opticians.
In the meantime, I will make the most of this situation and enjoy my new glasses!
11:25 PM
Im glad it all worked out for you. But no one ever should have to go through what you did to get a pair of glasses adjusted, repaired and dispensed. No one should ever "creep you out". Hope you enjoyed your Turkey Day!
12:05 AM
@eye guy: Thanks... hey, I'd love to know where YOU dispense glasses! Please visit my profile and email me your contact info.
(I promise I won't publish it on my blog.)
7:39 PM
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