Red Flowers

My Flickr pics have garnished 6,573 views. My pics on SXC have been downloaded 17,481 times and used in everything from website designs to a digital scrapbook kit. I even got paid for the use of one of my pics recently by an educational publisher! First time that's ever happened.
I have posted 627 pics to date, (not counting pics uploaded to the Walmart Photo Centre, Photobucket or Fotolog), plus I started 4 online photo groups and belong to over 150!
Can you say Photographers Anonymous?!
I think you and all the Flickr crazies around here should join a photographers anonymous group (my husband included). Sometimes it's hard to get him off the computer to help me with the kids!!
9:45 PM
Uh oh.
10:05 PM
Not True...or am I in denial?
ARGH! Give me a camera, I need a camera!
1:28 AM
lol ya I am SURE there has to be a 12 step program for us lol
1:26 PM
click, click, click, download, click, comment, comment, comment, comment,
3:18 PM
Problem?! What PROBLEM?!
I don't HAVE a PROBLEM!!!!!!
10:56 PM name is Jeff and I am a FLickr/Photographicaholic.
It is an extreme addiction, I wonder if the person who runs Flickr also hosts a support group..for say if my camera breaks down....then what would I do.
My camera is my wallet, keys, glasses, and cell goes everywhere with me.
Then when I get home..providing the wife isn't home, I eat, sleep, breathe photo enhancing/editing.
I almost feel sometimes like I've joined some kind of Cult.
Anyways, Congrats Paul on all the views/downloads and even the money paid for one of your pics...BTW which one was it?
When Gil finally gets his DSLR, we're going to open up a photography studio out this end of town.
12:16 AM
Jeff: It was this pic.
10:56 AM
The company said they were going to use the pic for an Alphabet Objects product that they sell - apparently they didn't actually have an object for an umpire and they were going to post the pic in their catalogue letting people know the "object" was unavailable. They said finding a pic of an umpire had been a challenge.
8:52 PM
i just wanted to say hello..
8:04 PM
My camera works again Paul.. The batterys were the problem.. Now Can I have $5000 so i can get that Digital SLR u want just for me :)))
8:05 AM
Well... personally... I'd like to say thank you.. my addiction is healthy and growing.. and well supported by my friends (and most of my family - except when they have to wait for me cause I'm takin pics haha) - not every "oholic" can say THAT! :)
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