God in the park.

I feel God in the park. I may have mentioned this before, but it is true.
I go to the park to to read, almost daily. I may have mentioned this too. While I'm sitting on the park bench, admiring the beautiful flowers and foliage, I feel God. So much so, that often I have to put my book down so I can listen. To God, that is.
Cuz God tells me stuff all the time - while I'm in the park. Clearly. Specifically.
Then it all comes back to hearing and obeying - and what I will do with what He says. And with what I experience when I feel God in the park.
Welcome Home. Parks in the City of God are clearly supurior to St. Louis parks anyway.
11:38 AM
welcome back, Paul!:)
your God experience reminds me of His words to "Be still & know that I am God." (ref.?)
course He talks to us wherever we are,but i too experience His presence & voice significantly more when im surrounded by trees,water,sky-y'know, the stuff He made...nature reminds me how small i am & how awesomely BIG He is.
11:34 AM
I remember that Park it's great - I'm not surprized that God speaks to you there!
9:10 PM
Good stuff!@!!
9:23 AM
I too am easily close to God when surrounded by his creation.. it is truly my favourite place to be. Personally... I have my spot along the river that I go to!
10:38 AM
hey nicki,i have a special 'God & me' spot @ the river too!:) i love being there, so peaceful, off the path in a hidden crevace along the shore...& lotsa flat rocks for skipping on the water too=)
9:36 PM
I think you have abandoned your blog because of all the time spent on Flickr. You need a new posting!
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