According to Psychology Information Online:
Each year over 17 million American adults experience a period of clinical depression. The symptoms of depression may vary from person to person, and also depend on the severity of the depression.The first time I experienced depression I didn't know what it was. Apparently this is common and often people who experience symptoms of depression think they are caused by other things. It wasn't until someone helped me understand what I was going through that I realized I was depressed. Once I put a name to what I was experiencing I did some research and basically pulled myself out of the depression.
So this time it is different, mostly because I recognize the symptoms. Unfortunately the deliberate course of action that got me out of my last bout of depression doesn't seem to be working this time. That has led me to think I'm experiencing something different.
Hear me out. I don't recommend self-diagnosis when it comes to these things, and I have visited my naturopathic doctor in this regards. Mostly because I wanted some help getting out of this slump and I didn't want to take anti-depressants - unless they were in the form of a natural supplement, etc.
But even the supplements don't seem to be working. They help, but it is the reversed sleeping schedule that I can't seem to break free from. Perhaps I just need to change my "stance" like Charlie Brown.
Then there is the S.A.D. element - Seasonal Affective Disorder - a new name for a depression specifier. Unlike depression, S.A.D. is not yet considered a psychological disorder, rather a mood disorder that appears to vary according to the seasons of the year.
The primary feature of seasonal affective disorder is a pattern of depressive or manic episodes that occurs with the onset of the winter months. As the days become shorter, and the weather colder, there is an increase in vegetative depressive symptoms. Individuals eat more, crave carbohydrates, sleep more, experience chronic fatigue and gain weight.Researchers are still hesitant to confirm the existence of seasonal factors in some depression. In the meantime, some people have found that a short winter vacation to a warmer climate helps...

That would be nice.
Hey Paul, sorry to hear ur having a hard time...yeh, could be the time of year, you know what works for me immensely even tho its temporary--is going for a tan...in a lay down bed...not smthing i do often becuase of UVA/B xposure but it really is relaxing & boosts mood among many other health benefits...but whether you check it out or not, just praying that GOd will lift this from you! Your friend, Mel :)
2:55 PM
Just in case you can't afford the time or expense of that trip to the warmer climate, I don't want the "grass is greener" mindset to mess with your "Charlie Brown stance." I live in Miami--Land of Sunshine, Most of the Time. There are just as many depressed people here as anywhere. I think human beings, though easily distracted, carry what's in them wherever they go. And depression isn't easily "fixable."
I have friends who love the ability of melatonin to regulate their sleep cycles. I use chamomile tea regularly to induce sleep, but it won't do anything to help you stay asleep. Have you tried the light therapy box, yet? Some people swear by that one in the winter months.
I hope you get it figured out. Being sad or (S.A.D.) is exhausting. My prayers are with you.
8:56 PM
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8:58 PM
Don't feel S.A.D., remember G.L.A.D (God's Love and Delight)
10:44 PM
I have SAD. Even if the doctor's don't define it as an actual illness, it really does effect me. Every year, december through January when I lived in Minnesota, it really effected me. In February I would pull out of it.
I have heard of a light therapy that helps this. Erin had a post at Decompressing faith about it. I will email her and let you know the type of light she says works. She used it an hour a day, and it helped her a lot.
10:42 AM
im praying for ya. maybe you should take a vacation back to Brazil:)
1:41 PM
Hey Paul, I have also heard of the solution that melanie gave with the tanning beds. I have tried it a time or 2 and it helps a little bit. But I get the same way and it sucks. What also works for me is B12 supliments. I am not sure if you are on this one yet but if you are not get a time released capsule they work all day long. I would get so blah and lethargic and I find it really helps. But again thank you for being so honest and transparent about things people should talk about but don't!
11:17 PM
Hey Paul,
You're not alone in feeling this way... S.A.D/depression. It affects me every winter as well and it's good to hear that we're not alone. Our bodies also need more vitamin D because we're not getting it from the sun like we do in the summer. This has been my worst winter ever though. About a week ago I wrote down what I was experiencing... thought it would help in some way. Although, I have to factor in that I'm a middle aged woman raising teens on my own too... LOL! I'm going to be transparent here too, so here goes...
How do you go on living when you don't want to live anymore?
When you don't want to get out of bed and are exhausted cause you can't face all the hurt, pain, heartache, loneliness, hate and suffering at the hand of selfishness that is all around you?
When you've lost all ambition to do or achieve anything?
When you can't focus cause your brain feels like it's paralyzed, as if there's a thick dark cloud in your head blocking your ability to think clearly?
When the emotional pain is manifesting into physical pain in your chest as though your heart is literally broken?
When over the years you've cried out to God for help and others for prayer yet there's been no real change? You manage to get through for awhile but then you still keep finding yourself all alone in that pit of despair begging God to take you home with Him because you don't have the strength to fight off the darts of the enemy any longer, nor can you bare to hear about another tragedy or trial that someone else is going through in this world.
When you've tried to live your life in a way that is pleasing to God, all the while daily seeking Him and still your cup runeth over... then what?
Thanks being transparent and posting this. I'm praying for your freedom from this :-)
12:15 AM
@michelle: Thanks for the transparent email. I pray that God will strengthen you in your inner being during this challenging time.
As a side note, I went to see my naturopathic doctor and she recommended two new natural supplements that have helped me tremendously. One is St. Johnswort Plus (which is a well known supplement) and the other is called TPIN. TPIN helps to balance and support proper sleep-wake cycles and moods, and is used for conditions associated with jet lag, insomnia, seasonal affective disorder, attention deficit disorder, mental stress, fatigue, depression, nervous disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.
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