Don't Be So Silly!

HUNTINGTON, N.Y. (AP) — The Huntington Town Council is getting serious about Silly String. The issue: a claim that the plastic goo mars the finish on fire trucks during parades.
Town spokeswoman Fran Evans said a public hearing will be scheduled to air a proposal to ban Silly String and similar substances during "parades, processions, fairs and expositions."
Rob Oram, product marketing manager for manufacturer Just for Kicks, said that while he's not familiar with the fire truck claim, the label includes cleaning instructions. Oram said Silly String shouldn't be allowed to dry in the summer heat for more than a few minutes, but it's easily removed from clothing.
The stuff also has been used by the military to detect trip wires for booby traps in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Silly String definitely peels paint... just ask Rick Carrol
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