The following program contains...
Okay. So I sort of did an experiment tonight.
Mostly because I have been getting SO ANNOYED at all the commercials on TV! I decided to sit down and watch TWO full hours of TV, (something I almost never do), and keep track of the commercials that come on.

Do you have ANY IDEA how many commercials are shown during 2 hours of TV?! Holy advertising Batman!

No, really. Guess. How many 15 or 30 second commercial spots do you think you will take in (because you ARE taking them in, you know) within an hour of CSI and an hour of Grey's Anatomy?

Okay, so that's EXACTLY what I did. I watched two hours of television and wrote down the name of each advertiser and the amount of times each commercial came on during the shows. Too much time on my hands, you say? Well, maybe... but I'm gonna scratch this one off as... research.
I've heard it said that the average person watches 6 hours of TV per day. WHO DOES THAT?! And who has TIME to watch SIX HOURS of television?!

(Be right back - gotta grab a snack. Blogging is making me hungry. Plus I'm feeling a bit bloated...)
Okay, where was I...

Right! The amount of commercial advertising contained within a two hour period of prime time television. (Which, I might add, costs the advertisers MILLIONS of dollars.)

Okay. I've teased you long enough. If you are still reading this blog you probably REALLY want to know what my sort-of scientific research came up with during my recent study on the commercial time displayed during a regular Thursday night in TV Land - and no, I'm not referring to the TV Land Network, just regular 'ol broadcast television.

Still there? Did you really wait for all these annoying logos to load? (My bandwidth must be in pain!) Thanks. You just proved that advertising works! (And that I didn't waste my time grabbing all the logos off Google Images. I wonder if I'll get extra AdSense cash for all the free promotion! Or maybe some FREE STUFF! Yeah. Who doesn't like free stuff!)
Okay. Here's the run down, for those who care. What I REALLY want to know is, why the heck do we put up with this crap?!
(In order of appearance + number of times shown)
Zellars - 2
Tim Hortons - 2
Ford Truck - 1
Tetley Green Tea - 3
CNIB Lottery - 1
Corner Gas Promo - 3
Local News Promo - 4
Comedy Central Promo - 2
Sears - 1
Chevy Truck - 1
American Idol Promo - 2
Thrive Gum - 1
Gas X - 2
Various Movie Trailers - 9
Philadelphia Cream Cheese - 1
Hockey Canada - 1
Grey's Anatomy Promo - 2
President's Choice Organics - 3
Campbell's Soup - 3
Air Miles - 1
Bell - 3
Pearl Vision - 2
Fabreeze - 1
Ford Focus - 1
Diet Pepsi - 2
KFC - 2
Tic Tac - 1
New Orleans Pizza - 1
Walmart - 4
Mott's Garden Cocktail - 1 - 1
Jiffy Lube - 1
NFL Playoffs Promo - 2
Nolitours - 2
Degrassi Promo - 1
Local Community Events Promo - 3
Advil - 1
Lean Cuisine - 2
Best Buy - 1
Weight Watchers - 2
Ontario Lottery - 1
Heart and Stroke Lottery - 1
NeoCitrin - 2
Cadillac - 1
Coffee Crisp Singles - 1
Aero Bar Singles - 1
Benylin - 1
Robitussin - 2
Pantene - 1
Moonlight Promo - 1
Ghost Whisperer Promo - 1
But gather and heap up and store for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust nor worm consume and destroy, and where thieves do not break through and steal.
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
[ Matthew 6:19-21 | Amplified Bible ]

Do you have ANY IDEA how many commercials are shown during 2 hours of TV?! Holy advertising Batman!

Okay, so that's EXACTLY what I did. I watched two hours of television and wrote down the name of each advertiser and the amount of times each commercial came on during the shows. Too much time on my hands, you say? Well, maybe... but I'm gonna scratch this one off as... research.

I've heard it said that the average person watches 6 hours of TV per day. WHO DOES THAT?! And who has TIME to watch SIX HOURS of television?!

(Be right back - gotta grab a snack. Blogging is making me hungry. Plus I'm feeling a bit bloated...)

Right! The amount of commercial advertising contained within a two hour period of prime time television. (Which, I might add, costs the advertisers MILLIONS of dollars.)

Okay. I've teased you long enough. If you are still reading this blog you probably REALLY want to know what my sort-of scientific research came up with during my recent study on the commercial time displayed during a regular Thursday night in TV Land - and no, I'm not referring to the TV Land Network, just regular 'ol broadcast television.

NINETY TWO!Yes. I counted them. And I'm even going to share the breakdown near the conclusion of this email. (And the end is near, honest. Thank you for sticking around to the end of this simple, yet extreme waste of jpegs and glue.)

Still there? Did you really wait for all these annoying logos to load? (My bandwidth must be in pain!) Thanks. You just proved that advertising works! (And that I didn't waste my time grabbing all the logos off Google Images. I wonder if I'll get extra AdSense cash for all the free promotion! Or maybe some FREE STUFF! Yeah. Who doesn't like free stuff!)
Okay. Here's the run down, for those who care. What I REALLY want to know is, why the heck do we put up with this crap?!
(In order of appearance + number of times shown)
Zellars - 2
Tim Hortons - 2
Ford Truck - 1
Tetley Green Tea - 3
CNIB Lottery - 1
Corner Gas Promo - 3
Local News Promo - 4
Comedy Central Promo - 2
Sears - 1
Chevy Truck - 1
American Idol Promo - 2
Thrive Gum - 1
Gas X - 2
Various Movie Trailers - 9
Philadelphia Cream Cheese - 1
Hockey Canada - 1
Grey's Anatomy Promo - 2
President's Choice Organics - 3
Campbell's Soup - 3
Air Miles - 1
Bell - 3
Pearl Vision - 2
Fabreeze - 1
Ford Focus - 1
Diet Pepsi - 2
KFC - 2
Tic Tac - 1
New Orleans Pizza - 1
Walmart - 4 - 1
Jiffy Lube - 1
NFL Playoffs Promo - 2
Nolitours - 2
Degrassi Promo - 1
Local Community Events Promo - 3
Advil - 1
Lean Cuisine - 2
Best Buy - 1
Weight Watchers - 2
Ontario Lottery - 1
Heart and Stroke Lottery - 1
NeoCitrin - 2
Cadillac - 1
Coffee Crisp Singles - 1
Aero Bar Singles - 1
Benylin - 1
Robitussin - 2
Pantene - 1
Moonlight Promo - 1
Ghost Whisperer Promo - 1
"Advertising is of the very essence of democracy. An election goes on every minute of the business day across the counters of hundreds of thousands of stores and shops where the customers state their preferences and determine which manufacturer and which product shall be the leader today, and which shall lead tomorrow."Do not gather and heap up and store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust and worm consume and destroy, and where thieves break through and steal.
- Bruce Barton, chairman of BBDO
"Advertising is the poetry of Capitalism."
- Michael Maynard, Chair of the Department of Advertising at Temple University
Advertising is the principal reason why the business man has come to inherit the earth."
- James Randolph Adams
But gather and heap up and store for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust nor worm consume and destroy, and where thieves do not break through and steal.
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
[ Matthew 6:19-21 | Amplified Bible ]
i knew the # would be high but THAT is CRAZY. How can ANYONE stand it? That 2 hrs. must've been long for you!
Personally I dont care for TV much & I HATE commercials & mute them every chance I get (to the dismay of my fam & friends:)
-guess the brainwash has already reached them-
1:27 AM
Beautiful sentiment. I agree wholeheartedly. That is why I watch recorded TV, so I can fast forward through commercials.
What did you think of Jake Colsen's book?
10:24 PM
@nate: Loved the book! Wow... so simple, yet so profound. How could we have missed that stuff while drowning in the midst of the organization? Praying that God will help me rediscover true community and what "church" is really all about.
8:30 AM
Wow...that is a lot of advertising! Guess that's why I use "commercial time" to throw in another load of laundry or do something else around the house (for the minimal time I have to watch tv anyway...)
6:20 PM
That is an annoyingly insane amount of commercials. I myself, have a PVR and love it! I can watch a show and put the show on pause to grab a snack or do something productive and come back to fast forward through the junk. Or, I can record the show, watch it when I want and again, fast forward through the junk. That way I can watch a half hour show in under 20 minutes!
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