Tuesday, January 29, 2008According to Psychology Information Online:
Each year over 17 million American adults experience a period of clinical depression. The symptoms of depression may vary from person to person, and also depend on the severity of the depression.The first time I experienced depression I didn't know what it was. Apparently this is common and often people who experience symptoms of depression think they are caused by other things. It wasn't until someone helped me understand what I was going through that I realized I was depressed. Once I put a name to what I was experiencing I did some research and basically pulled myself out of the depression.
So this time it is different, mostly because I recognize the symptoms. Unfortunately the deliberate course of action that got me out of my last bout of depression doesn't seem to be working this time. That has led me to think I'm experiencing something different.
Hear me out. I don't recommend self-diagnosis when it comes to these things, and I have visited my naturopathic doctor in this regards. Mostly because I wanted some help getting out of this slump and I didn't want to take anti-depressants - unless they were in the form of a natural supplement, etc.
But even the supplements don't seem to be working. They help, but it is the reversed sleeping schedule that I can't seem to break free from. Perhaps I just need to change my "stance" like Charlie Brown.
Then there is the S.A.D. element - Seasonal Affective Disorder - a new name for a depression specifier. Unlike depression, S.A.D. is not yet considered a psychological disorder, rather a mood disorder that appears to vary according to the seasons of the year.
The primary feature of seasonal affective disorder is a pattern of depressive or manic episodes that occurs with the onset of the winter months. As the days become shorter, and the weather colder, there is an increase in vegetative depressive symptoms. Individuals eat more, crave carbohydrates, sleep more, experience chronic fatigue and gain weight.Researchers are still hesitant to confirm the existence of seasonal factors in some depression. In the meantime, some people have found that a short winter vacation to a warmer climate helps...

That would be nice.