Blog Humbug!
Gosh... it has been awhile since I blogged. I've been thinking about it a lot lately, but I just haven't had the time nor inspiration. So, instead, I've been reading other people's blogs. Ironically, I've discovered that many people seem to be blogging about the same thing I wanted to blog about!
You see, our local newspaper had an online poll this week asking if the nativity scene in our downtown core should be removed. It made me livid! What is going on here? Why is a small minority of people [with a seemingly LOUD MOUTH] attempting to take "Christ" out of Christmas in North America? It makes me sick! Unfortunately, "we" [the church] seem to be sitting on our arse's letting it happen!
[There. I feel much better.]
There has been quite a discussion in this regards on Jon's blog - you may want to check it out. I stole this pic from his site... don't know where he got it, but it pretty much says it all...

Merry CHRISTmas!
You see, our local newspaper had an online poll this week asking if the nativity scene in our downtown core should be removed. It made me livid! What is going on here? Why is a small minority of people [with a seemingly LOUD MOUTH] attempting to take "Christ" out of Christmas in North America? It makes me sick! Unfortunately, "we" [the church] seem to be sitting on our arse's letting it happen!
[There. I feel much better.]
There has been quite a discussion in this regards on Jon's blog - you may want to check it out. I stole this pic from his site... don't know where he got it, but it pretty much says it all...

Merry CHRISTmas!
Well, shall we get off our flippin' arses and speak up before we lose the things that matter? Or do nativity scenes really matter? Maybe our freedom to worship the one and only true God still matters to us ... I hope so.
11:20 PM
Arses. I love that word. Hi-larious, on a more serious not though, I remember being in grade 7 and gettin a ride to school on an extremely cold day and my mom and I drove past a sign for a dude sellin Christmas trees out of his garage. I thought nothing about it until I saw the sign said "X-Mas Trees 4 Sale" (Or somethin like that. The important part of the sign was the "X Mas" part) I had noticed these signs were everywhere, X Mas this and X Mas that. It was slowly driving me insane. Anyways, I got to school and I decided I was gonna vent. We had a Jewish teacher and because of his beliefs we didn't do anything for Christmas (Not that there is anything wrong with being Jewish, believe whatever you want, just don't try to force it down my throat is my motto) and it kinda bummed me out a bit that we didn't even make mention over the birth of Christ. (It should also be mentioned that at this part of my life I was attending church with something resembling regularity) Now I know at this point somebody is gonna think to themselves "Well if you don't want people to force the religion down your throat than why do you want to do the same to others?" Well I got you covered on that one. My teacher decided it was important enough to make mention of Hannaukah (I think I spelled that right) so I was just looking for some equality here. Anyways back to the story we go, we had journals that we had to write in and I went off on a tangent (kinda like I am right about now) about the term "X Mas". I was not at all pleased....No no no, check that, I was actually furious that somebody would replace Christ with a X. I mean seriously, how hard can it possibly be to spell out C-H-R-I-S-T? I need to know.
11:27 PM
Don't you just love it when you try to type somethin out and accidentally publish it before you're done?
Anyways the moral of the story was there were alot of people I had been talkin to around this time makin these signs that considered themselves to be christian (And who am I to say that they weren't) and I considered myself to be one of them but I thought to myself that it didn't seem right be be crossing out Christ for the sake of laziness. I can't think of any other reason to say "X-Mas" as opposed to Christmas.
Of course that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.
2:50 AM
i have my sources.
and i love how the red looks against the green. very festive.
so...are you guys going to do anything about it? or are you going to sit on your arses? hmmmm?
12:32 PM
Kyle - I appreciate your comments, but I do want to bring you up to speed on the "X"-mas thing. The "X" is derived from the word ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ, transliterated as Christos, which is Greek for Christ. As early as the first century the X was used as Christ's initial and throughout church history we can trace this usage. In many original manuscripts of the New Testament, X abbreviates Christos (Xristos). Even in ancient Christian art "X" was used to abbreviate Christ's name. Some historians tell us that this practice entered the Old English language as early as AD 100.
And why do I know all this? Well, because I used to run a youth program called Delta Chi Highschool Ministries - Delta (which is "Δ" and is the greek letter for "D") and Chi (which is the greek "X" - the first letter of Christ's name). We used Δ.X. to represent "Disciples of Christ" - and in my research I discovered the whole X-mas thing.
And yes Jon, I already told you on your blog - we're coming to YOUR house for Christmas! [Woo hoo!]
Seriously... I think I have personally done things to change the "X-mas" perspective in my life. Yet I think "we" can do more... (although I must admit, sometimes I like to sit on my arse).
9:59 PM
Well skin me alive and call me luggage. This'd be about the point in time where I remember to do my homework before shootin my mouth off. Thanks for the info, greatly appreciated. As they say now I know and knowing is half the battle (Gotta love G.I. Joe)
9:30 PM
You know I have been bothered by this also but mostly as to be politically correct the world seems to embrace and tolerate all the ethnicities and religions EXCEPT Christianity. I mean ya ya happy holidays but I mean if someone said to me Happy Channauka I would know ok I'm not Jewish but they mean nice things so I would say thank you same to you - Big deal right. I cannot understand why we, as Christians are almost being forced to give up our celebrations to tolerate and encourage everyone elses. Get off your arses you say?! That's great - but how? What can I do? How can I take a stand? How can I make myself heard? This is where I am at a loss.
7:12 PM
I totally hear your frustration.
We definitely lack leadership in this area... I know we are supposed to turn the other cheek and all.... but what is wrong with a little peaceful parlez-vous with our town councils ... a more active voice from Christian leaders in our communities. Why IS everyone sitting on their arses?
Does anyone have an answer to this question?
3:16 AM
start with your local leaders. (political, not church.) then go to the province. then the federal. let your reps. know how you feel. from what i understand, these politicians only hear from people who are offended and NOT from people who want things to remain the same. (which, in truth, is actually the majority)
HOWEVER - we must recognize that as we get closer to the return of christ (be it tomorrow or 10,000 years from now) the world is going to become increasingly hostile to christ and his followers. i'm not saying don't speak up. i'm not even saying obey the p.c. campaign. (heck, why not take it a step further and when someone says, "merry christmas", come back with, "celebrate the king.") what i AM saying is that the people who are making accusations and the people backing them up are blind and deaf to the things of the kingdom. just like the romans and jewish leaders who crucified jesus and thought they were doing a public service. this is the world we find ourselves in. i would not be surprised to find the globe overtly hostile to christianity within my lifetime. what am i saying? the globe IS hostile to christianity. how about, the persecution in the west will finally catch up to the rest of the world.
sorry. not sure where that came from, but since it's there, i'll leave it. take it for whatever it is.
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