Forgive me for not writing sooner... I haven't read the comments on my blog in a few weeks and I missed your entry re:
The F Shot. Thanks for your comments - I really appreciated your boldness and honesty. I will post this email on my blog too so others can read how I responded to you.
That particular blog was more about "respecting" (or having regard) for others than it was about the F word. If you re-read the blog, I didn't actually say that I thought the word was sinful. In fact, I agree with you - a word, in itself, cannot be sinful. How it is used, perhaps, can be.
Because I worked with youth for over 10 years, I have seen "trends" in youth culture that disturb me. And this blog was more about those changes in our culture than it was about the "right or wrong" of our culture's vocabulary. I can't believe the disrespect that youth have for seniors; or the high number of youth that are being arrested for crimes. And, in this blog, I used the example of youth being crude and rude around "older" people to make a point in this regards.
Just yesterday a couple of kids (aged 10 and 14) were at my house. To them, it is funny to use foul language around an adult, or to tell a dirty joke. Now, you may think that's okay, I don't know you personally, but I am concerned that not only have kids lost their innocence, but they have no moral values and do not know how to respect their teachers, parents, etc. And that concerns me.
Specifically regarding the F word, you said, "
I feel that it is what is trying to be expressed that is more important than the words used to express it." Again, I agree. But you also said,
"I have spent enough time with and around people for whom this word... is PART OF THEIR LANGUAGE. As natural as 'the' or 'and.' It is how they speak to one another and it is the way that they understand things best." Which is why I wrote the blog. Things have changed Jon. And I made that point in the blog by saying that
"people just think their vocab is normal."But it's not. Yes, people in our culture today are surrounded by it, but there is a whole world out there that does NOT talk like that. Does that mean you're more sinful than me? Not if you're heart is in the right place. But my concern surrounds another comment you made, that is true -
"What is wholesome talk for you is not the same for them."Your sister says that
"culture is what dictates wholesome talk." I wrote this blog to discuss that concept. If, in fact, our culture is dictating that we should all now use foul language (meaning, language that was "dictated" as foul 30 years ago) as our everyday language now, is that a good thing?
Some would say sure,
"Why the hell not!" Others would say,
"Sorry, I'm not interested." Are "some" better than "others?" No. But somewhere along the way, both parties have to examine their heart and find out what's inside. Because the Bible DOES say, that
"Your words show what is in your heart." [
Luke 6:45 - Contemporary English Version]
The only time I use the F Shot is when I am extremely angry and upset - at that moment, my heart is full of anger - and for me, the F word comes out. Does that mean I've lost my salvation? Absolutely not. It's okay to get angry! Even Jesus got angry! What IS important, is that I continue to ask God to guard my heart from evil. That same verse says
"Good people do good things because of the good in their hearts. Bad people do bad things because of the evil in their hearts." And I want to walk in God's goodness. So that
good will always come out of my mouth.
Lots of things to think about, and I'm glad that we can chat about it, even though our opinions are different. We need to both make sure that we continue to search God's Word - although I don't know if Leviticus will get us very far. :-)
And we should
"set our minds on things above" [
Colossians 3:2], asking God to guard our minds with his peace - [
Philippians 4:7]
"So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life--your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life--and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out."
[Romans 12:1,2 - The Message Version]