What's That Code?

A kid from my church told me about this music video site called WhatsThatCode.com so I thought I'd check it out. The drummer for Thousand Foot Krutch was only 13 yrs old when I was his youth pastor. It's been cool to watch how far God has taken him and his talented abilities.
*Don't like rock n roll? = Click here!
i didn't click there on the 'click here'. i just ran my mouse over the link and i almost peed myself when i saw what the link was. very nice. nicely played.
9:18 AM
and to think I would have forgotten to buy my ticket for the Canadian Homecoming next week without this little reminder...wanna go?(shudder):-s
10:33 AM
Thanks..... I have this CD and it was nice to see the video to it...
and lol
Andrea, I'd like to know... what's wrong with the Homecoming people? :-)
8:42 PM
I know where to get a good deal on incontinent pads,Jon, if you need any.... LOL
12:32 AM
alright Wendy - I hate to admit it, but YES I confess, I did attend the "Homecoming" last year...and only because the tickets were free!!
Sadly enough, I was able to sing along with most of the grey-hairs...my dad can take all the credit for that. I grew up hearing every possible and imaginable gospel song ever written...not to mention being forced to watch the more recent "Gaither's" videos out there.
So I guess you could say that for the sake of my sanity the next concert I attend had better be TFK and not ..... (shudder)
lol :-)
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