I have so many things on my mind today: thoughts inspired by either an email I received, a book I'm reading, a recently discovered website or something I read in God's Word.
There are many links in this blog. I encourage you to take time to check them out. Read what people are saying. And see what God is saying. You, too, may be inspired.
Or not.
It started last week when I watched a video clip from ABC's Nightline: a report from their Faith Matters Series on how new churches are reaching out to young Christians.
And while reading Matthew this week, verses that I have read countless times seemed new. Verses like Matthew 19:23-26:
As a worship leader I was interested in a prophetic word I read by Hector Torres:
The Church will need to begin to build altars of worship - a new dimension of prophetic worship and warfare worship, inspired by the Spirit, where voices and instruments will flow into the Holy of Holies and to the very presence of the Living God.
Right now, instrumentalists and Psalmists are being prepared, many of them in the least expected places, that will begin to flow with an unprecedented anointing which will bring down the SHEKINAH and will open the heavens and release warfare authority to pull down territorial strongholds in cities, regions, and nations. Worship vigils, worship services, and worship events will unleash angelical armies to do warfare, as in the times of Daniel the prophet, against principalities and powers in heavenly places.
He also said that a new dimension of social evangelism will begin to take its place of importance in the outreach of souls as the Church will focus on meeting the needs of the poor, the victims of injustice, the prisoners, the widows, and the orphans.
I'm fascinating with The Emerging Church and Emergent Villages that are springing up around the world.
Francis Fukuyama believes there is a Great Disruption going on:
There are many links in this blog. I encourage you to take time to check them out. Read what people are saying. And see what God is saying. You, too, may be inspired.
Or not.
It started last week when I watched a video clip from ABC's Nightline: a report from their Faith Matters Series on how new churches are reaching out to young Christians.
And while reading Matthew this week, verses that I have read countless times seemed new. Verses like Matthew 19:23-26:
Then Jesus remarked to his disciples, "Believe me, a rich man will find it very difficult to enter the kingdom of Heaven. Yes, I repeat, a camel could more easily squeeze through the eye of a needle than a rich man get into the kingdom of God!"[Humanly speaking it is impossible to be saved.]
The disciples were simply amazed to hear this, and said, "Then who can possibly be saved?"
Jesus looked steadily at them and replied, "Humanly speaking it is impossible; but with God anything is possible!"
As a worship leader I was interested in a prophetic word I read by Hector Torres:

Right now, instrumentalists and Psalmists are being prepared, many of them in the least expected places, that will begin to flow with an unprecedented anointing which will bring down the SHEKINAH and will open the heavens and release warfare authority to pull down territorial strongholds in cities, regions, and nations. Worship vigils, worship services, and worship events will unleash angelical armies to do warfare, as in the times of Daniel the prophet, against principalities and powers in heavenly places.
He also said that a new dimension of social evangelism will begin to take its place of importance in the outreach of souls as the Church will focus on meeting the needs of the poor, the victims of injustice, the prisoners, the widows, and the orphans.
I'm fascinating with The Emerging Church and Emergent Villages that are springing up around the world.
many ancient practices of faith and ways of being communal are being re:booted and morphed for the needs of the future church. as leonard sweet writes, "our faith is ancient. our faith is future. we're old-fashioned. we're new-fangled. we're orthodox. we're innovators. we're postmodern christians."(Ĭ-mûrjing) adj. Newly formed or just coming into prominence; emergent.
Francis Fukuyama believes there is a Great Disruption going on:
...civilization is in the midst of a revolution on a par with hunter-gatherers learning how to farm or agricultural societies turning industrial. [Francis] finds much to celebrate in this cultural, economic, and technological transformation, but "with all the blessings that flow from a more complex, information-based economy, certain bad things also happened to our social and moral life." Individualism, for example, fuels innovation and prosperity, but has also "corroded virtually all forms of authority and weakened the bonds holding families, neighborhoods, and nations together." Yet [he] is not pessimistic: "Social order, once disrupted, tends to get remade again" because humans are built for life in a civil society governed by moral rules.And I've been thinking about these things.
once it gets started it's hard to turn off, isn't it?
thanks for this post. it's good to hear what's going on inside of paul.
(and links are good. they give me more to think about...to help see the big picture. and what happened to (target="_new")? hmmm?
i'm just going to walk away and shake my head slowly.)
10:59 PM
Hmmm... all the links DO open in a new window for me... did you find one that didn't??
11:43 PM
i think that when i link from exfoliations, your blog is already a "new target". so when i click on the links you create, it just makes the link the new "new target" and replaces the old "new target" instead of opening an even "newer target". not that i know what to do about it or anything.
so, it must just be me. you're doing everything fine.
5:52 PM
Thanks for returning to the the battlefield .....
6:20 PM
as a worship leader myself, i needed to hear that....i have been growing more and more weary with worship in my home church and other things...and lately i have found that that maybe not just everyone else's fault, by my lack of knowledge of how to Love God, and actually loving God...ouch
4:06 AM
paul, i just wanted to say i've been thinking a lot about this post and just you in general. i really appreciate you. no, more than that, i love you. i enjoy being in the presence of your honesty and heart and wit. whenever i pop into a room here in our ragtag global community, it is always good to find out that paul's at this party.
the same goes for you hersch. good to see you all the way up here in the great white north.
a worship leader and a former "christian" bookstore employee. man, we gotta talk. did you ever have a stint as a volunteer youth pastor? you know, so that your theft of my life could be complete?
much love, gang. jON
11:50 AM
Thanks Jon...
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