In 2002 I bought my first digital camera. Although I am longing for a Digital SLR I have made the most of my Minolta S404.
SXC [Stock.XCHNG] is a royalty free stock photo site which allows photography buffs like me to post pics for the world to see and love. My church doors pic has gathered quite a reputation, including 354 downloads and various online postings. It has even been published in a book.
Sweet :-)
6:11 PM
nice - what book - i have a version of ragamuffin gospel that resembles that door
11:12 PM
It was published in a book called The Church and the Stock Photograper by Ginae. [I WISH it was the Ragamuffin Gospel - one of my all time FAV books!]
1:52 AM
that is gorgeous.
9:23 AM
What's a stock photogragher?
I'm picturing warehouses.
9:39 AM
Stock photography is photography or other imagery of common landmarks, concepts, and events that can be used and reused for commercial design purposes.
10:35 PM
Thanks for the link I just signed up! I'll get a lot of use from it I think! Hope you're well!
1:22 PM
How long does it take for photos to move out of the "pending" status??
3:30 PM
Don't remember... apparently there are lots of pics pending. My first few didn't take that long to get accepted though...
4:49 PM
Hey - Paul where di you learn of SXC? ;)
5:24 PM
I'm indebted to you, JR... ;-)
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