
The flu vaccine contains:
formaldehyde (used to preserve corpses), aluminum, MSG, gluten, latex, tritonX100, polysorbate 80, glycerin, lead, sulfates, antibiotics, acetone, continue: phenoxyethanol (antifreeze), RNA & DNA protein, monkey kidney, avian & bovine serum, thimerosol (mercury), aborted fetal tissue, sorbitol, micro organisms, gelatin, tri(n)butylphosphate, flutaraldehyde, GMO yeast, animal, bacteria & viral DNA.
Perhaps you should do some research on these ingredients before you get them injected into your body. After all, if the swine flu doesn't kill you the vaccine surely will.
It's a flippin' shame that our government and health care folk can't put together a completely safe vaccine. So sad that so many people die of the flu each year ... it is a nasty virus that I hope we can get corralled one day.
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