Gloria a Deus!
Friday, March 20, 2009
I received a report online today that said, "Thank you God, Jhon has been healed!" I have been wondering what was transpiring in this situation.
Yesterday someone from Brazil posted a video entitled, The healing of Jhon! In the 9 minute video people are interceding for Jhon, while Jhon himself is seen crying out to God. You can also see him attempting to stand on the leg that was disabled by the tumor. It was emotional to watch and I couldn't tell what the conclusion was.
When I lived in Brazil I experienced something very powerful - when people got sick, others would come to the house of the sick person and pray (sometimes for days) until the person was healed. I personally saw this happen with a young boy that was very sick. His family could not afford medication to help him. I almost offered to purchase it for them but instead I watched the power of God raise the boy up from his sickness.
I believe that is what I was watching on this video of Jhon. And today someone confirmed it by declaring that God has, indeed, healed him!
As I dug further to get more reports I discovered this powerful declaration on Jhon's dad's webpage:
"Jesus has healed my son!"
Wow! There is nothing left to say but... Gloria a Deus! (Glory to God!)
UPDATE: March 22, 2009
RE: video of Jhon mentioned above
Jhon's dad says:
"These scenes were recorded right after the pastor's prayed for Jhon's healing. If you could see what had happened before, you'd be surprised by the pastor's simplicity and by how great the power of God is.
At this time the doctors have admitted Jhon to the hospital because all the reports are from GOD and have confused the doctors. So they are 're-running' the tests.
'He who began the good work in you will carry it on.' Philippians 1.6"