
I took these pictures last year - such a beautiful tree, located in a park close to my house. The park is like a huge valley, with wide open spaces and big 'ol trees. Often I would see kids playing soccer or enjoying the playland in the park.
A couple of weeks ago, as I was walking past the park, I stopped in horror to see that the city cut down this tree as well as the one behind it!

And not only did they cut the trees down, but they planted very small NEW trees smack dab in the middle of the field where kids used to play soccer! Ugh.
I'm not a city planner, and there may have been a very legitimate reason for ruining the beauty of this park, but I'm ticked that people have to "create" settings of nature instead of letting nature take it's own course.
No, I'm not gonna walk around with a t-shirt that says "save the trees" and I probably won't complain to the city; what's the point. The trees are gone. And by the time those new trees grow to be as lush and beautiful as those old trees I'll be enjoying the tree of life!
[Note: Muslims believe there is a tree in heaven so big that if a person keeps riding on a brisk Madhamar (a specially bred horse) for a hundred years even then he would not reach the end of that tree!]
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12:55 PM
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10:47 AM
Isn't that the tree you climbed with Roxy? That's terrible. It really is a shame. I can't figure out why they do things like that.
6:14 PM
So I decided that I needed a coffee today. I went down to my local Tim Horton's (Where else do you go for coffee in this town) and after knockin back my usual triple triple I decided that I would take a walk down to the park in question here. After I dusted myself off after rolling down half the hill (Not one of my proudest moments) I shook out the cobwebs to notice that the city didn't just plant one or two tree's there. I think I saw like 5-6 held up by pieces of fence wood.
Now I'm not genius but to me this says that city is just planning on doing this again another 50 or so years. The close proximity in which those tree's were planted just screams "CUT ME DOWN." If the department of People Who Cut Down Tree's woulda been thinkin on this one they would've at least not put the tree's like 20 feet apart in some cases. Do they not realize that tree's get big?
Of course that's just my opinion... I could be wrong
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