The Daily Commute

I have been keeping my eyes open for stores that offer an "" promotion. You get iCoke points, register online and you can win stuff. Last week I discovered that I could use my points to enter a draw for a new car! And the kind that I want!
Not that I hate the bus, I've actually gotten used to taking it. And besides, I have met a whole community of people that only ride the bus. If I stopped taking public transit I'd probably never see these people!
On the other hand, it would be nice to have a car before the snow flies again - which, in Canada, could be anytime withing the next two months. (Joke. Sort of.)

I do iCoke points as well Paul, do you have the numbers for the "Count the Caps"
-- Here they are if you don't.
The Answers are...
Coca Cola Wave Poster: 111
Face Drinking Straw Poster: 128
Coca Cola Bottle Poster: 398
Coca Cola Glass/ Cup Poster: 445
Find any of these four posters in your neighborhood and count how many Coke caps it took to create the image on it. Enter your guess here for your chance to win 5000 iCoke Credits. The more posters you get right, the more chances you have to win 5000 iCoke Credits!
Remember you only get two guesses, per poster, per day. If you don't get it right today there's always tomorrow so check back & keep trying. Good luck.
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