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Everything Changes

The more messed up this world gets, the more God makes sense.

Best Day Off So Far

"This is the best day, weather-wise, so far this winter!" That is what my friend Eric said about the weather today in North Miami. Almost 80F (27C) and not a cloud in the sky. Top that off with a stay at Eric and Elise's waterfront condo, dolphin spotting, a Mini Cooper to get around in AND a walk along Eric's parent's private beach on the ocean and this has turned out to be my best day off so far. (Too bad I have to go back to driving in a few hours!)

I will still be in South Florida for one more day, but then we start heading back to the North: Nashville, Virginia, Ohio, Michigan, South Dakota, Iowa and a couple of added shows in Arkansas. Although I don't miss the cold weather and snow back at home, I am starting to miss my BED! Living in a different hotel every night gets monotonous. Another reason why it was nice to stay at Eric and Elise's place today.

I have taken lots of pics here in South Florida, so I will try and post one or two later today! You know, pics of palm trees, beautiful beaches, ocean views... ;-)

I am praying that the next week or so will birth an early spring up North. Dunno what that darn groundhog said about his shadow, but here's hoping!
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3:59 PM

Nice day off for sure... :-)
The groundhog??
Like he always says...
If he sees his shadow .... 6 weeks
If he doesn't.... a month and a half
You can do the calculations ....

LOL Wendy    

5:07 PM

I had my two weeks in the sun in January. There will be plenty of cold left when you return.    

10:45 AM

Ahhh! I'm so jealous! But not of the weather - of seeing Eric and Elise! Havent seen them for SOOO long. LOVE those guys!!! I would have told you to say hi for me. But by now the traveller has moved on...
hmmmm... gotta get to Miami...    

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