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Everything Changes

The more messed up this world gets, the more God makes sense.

Wake Me When Evening Comes

It's almost 1:30 in the morning. I am attempting to switch my day around so I can sleep when the sun is up and be awake throughout the night. As the production vehicle driver I am required to proceed to the next city on the tour while the band and crew are sleeping on the bus. I have only ever worked midnights once in my life and hated it. (Can't remember WHY I hated midnights, I just remember that I did.)

Once I arrive in the new city a "runner" takes me to the hotel and I can sleep. Sometimes the overnight runs will be a few hours, other nights I will be driving until the next morning. Either way I have to try and be "alive and awake" for the drive.

So far my body isn't liking this day/night reversal thing. I am sure there is a way to trick my body, but right now my body isn't adapting very well. Although I consider myself a night hawk - up until 2AM - I am feeling very tired right about now. And I slept-in until 2:30pm!

My goal? Stay up until at least 5 or 6AM this morning. Yeah, right. Thank goodness for the "privacy" sign I can hang on my door! (Think I'll bring it home! Maybe it will help me to sleep even longer!)
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10:40 AM

Good luck!    

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